Для миті, яку ви пам’ятатимете завжди

We are your guide on the journey to a complete family. 6,000 children have been born thanks to us.

IVF treatment

Having trouble conceiving for more than six months? Schedule a consultation with our doctor.

Our English-speaking coordinator will guide you through the entire process.

IVF with donor gametes

For some couples, conception using donor gametes is the only option. Therefore, we have given great attention to this program since our clinic first opened.

Our English-speaking coordinator will guide you through the entire process.


Have you already tried all methods of reproductive medicine but still haven’t achieved your dream of having a baby? Surrogacy may be the solution.

Our English-speaking coordinator will guide you through the entire process.


Do you know about your genetic predisposition and want to prevent passing it on to your baby?

Do you want to do everything possible to ensure the birth of a healthy baby? Genetic testing can significantly help with that.

IVF treatment

Having trouble conceiving for more than six months? Schedule a consultation with our doctor.

Our English-speaking coordinator will guide you through the entire process.

IVF with donor gametes

For some couples, conception using donor gametes is the only option. Therefore, we have given great attention to this program since our clinic first opened.

Our English-speaking coordinator will guide you through the entire process.


Have you already tried all methods of reproductive medicine but still haven’t achieved your dream of having a baby? Surrogacy may be the solution.

Our English-speaking coordinator will guide you through the entire process.


Do you know about your genetic predisposition and want to prevent passing it on to your baby?

Do you want to do everything possible to ensure the birth of a healthy baby? Genetic testing can significantly help with that.

Why rely on Repromeda?

During 4 IVF cycles 99% of couples get pregnant.

Around 7 out of 10 couples only need one IVF cycle to get pregnant.


Czech family

Despite the complex development of assisted reproduction, we remain one of the few clinics in the Czech Republic that is not a member of any large group. We offer patients the highest possible quality of treatment in a beautiful and comfortable environment. Our goal is to combine superior medical care with the utmost empathy, leading to the birth of your longed-for baby.


Meticulous testing
and tailored treatment

The first step for us is always to get to know your medical history and follow up with a careful examination. We focus primarily on genetic testing to detect failures of natural efforts and previous IVF cycles and greatly increase the treatment success rate. These tests may mean more visits to our clinic, but they will also bring you one step closer to achieving your dream.


Our own
genetic laboratory

Our clinic also includes a modern and state-of-the-art reproductive genetics laboratory, which is used by IVF clinics around the world. We have developed and offer a variety of unique methods. As early as 2001, REPROMEDA became the first clinic in Central and Eastern Europe to achieve a pregnancy after using preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). Another unique feature is the PANDA genetic compatibility test for couples. The test examines the latent transmission of genetic diseases and can detect the cause of failed pregnancy attempts.

Linking science
and holistic medicine

At Repromeda, we believe in the power of connection. Our goal is to combine cutting-edge medical care with the utmost empathy to lead to the birth of the baby you long for. We bring together not only eggs and sperm, but also two seemingly disparate worlds – state-of-the-art methods in assisted reproduction and traditional practices such as massage, physiotherapy, yoga, herbal therapy, proper nutrition, bioresonance and acupuncture. We are happy to guide your treatment in this spirit.

Ми для тих, хто не хоче лише сподіватися

Ми спираємося на свій багаторічний досвід і добре знаємо, що кожна історія унікальна й заслуговує на індивідуальний підхід. Довіртеся нашим професіоналізму, конфіденційності та розумінню.


MUDr. Martin Maděrka, Ph.D.

Chief Physician, IVF specialist


Брно, Острава

MUDr. Lenka Hromadová

Chief Medical Officer and Head of IVF



MUDr. Alena Filková

IVF specialist, doctor



Dr. Larysa Datsiuk

IVF specialist, doctor


Ми вже допомогли 6 000 дітям з'явитися на світ


19. 4. 2024

After a challenging journey to have a baby that was unsuccessful for a long time, we eventually reached out to specialists at Repromed in Brno. We would like to thank them for their professional assistance, thanks to which our little Kubík was born on January 31, 2024. He is now 2 months old and weighs 5.6 kg. He is a healthy, smiling baby who brings us nothing but joy.


26. 3. 2024

Special thanks to Repromeda Brno for the opportunity to become a complete family. Thanks to preimplantation genetic testing, we welcomed a healthy baby girl Martinka on March 14, 2024.


19. 3. 2024

Děkujeme za naši Amálku, která se narodila 4. 2. 2024. Moc děkujeme za splněný sen a přejeme nadále moc úspěchů.

Уважний персонал і конфіденційне середовище

Ви не відчуватимете, що перебуваєте в лікарні. Сучасне середовище наших клінік доповнено практиками феншуй, що створюють гармонійну та приємну атмосферу.

Заплануйте необов'язкову консультацію з нами

І зробіть перший крок на шляху до вашого малюка. Лікар обговорить з вами все, що вас цікавить, й запропонує подальший план дій.

вул. Студентська, 812/6, м. Брно, CZ

Відповідаємо на ваші запитання Пн-Пт з 7:00 до 18:00.

Невідкладна допомога +420 602 592 842
вул. Др. Слабігоудка, 6232/11, м. Острава, CZ

Відповідаємо на ваші запитання Пн-Пт з 7:00 до 15:00.

Невідкладна допомога +420 606 029 983
вул. Студентська, 812/6, м. Брно, CZ

Відповідаємо на ваші запитання Пн-Пт з 7:00 до 18:00.

Невідкладна допомога +420 602 592 842

View on map

вул. Др. Слабігоудка, 6232/11, м. Острава, CZ

Відповідаємо на ваші запитання Пн-Пт з 7:00 до 15:00.

Невідкладна допомога +420 606 029 983

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